Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Who is this man
What does he want
Where did he come from
He is a lonely kid who was made to feel as if he were somehow different than all of the other kids
He has always been alone
Even in the company of family or friends
He is always alone
He only wants peace and happiness, yet they are elusive
He wants the guilt to be gone, but it won't leave
He came from a place and time that have long since gone
The joy
The dreams
The aspirations
Stumbles through each day
Fitfully sleeps each night
Day after day
Night after night
Struggle after struggle
Cannot seem to get it right
Loathing, seething and full of contempt
Selfish and stubborn and full of regret
Had he only known 
Blinded, he could not see
Deaf, he could not hear
Senseless, he could not feel
Who is this man
Who has no plan
Maybe he is not a man
But rather, the shadow of a man that used to be

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